
재활용 및 처분, 어떤 문제도 해결 가능한 전문기업!

냉매 처리 비용 부담 해결!

선진환경 홈페이지에 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.
냉매의 회수, 재생, 처리를 한번에 해결 할 수 있는 기술을 보유한 기업입니다.

선진환경은 2013년에 설립이래, 기후변화 대응과 오존층 보호를 위해 앞장서는 친환경 업체로서 자리매김 하고 있으며, 냉동기 및 공기조화기 등에 사용되는 냉매의 회수, 재생, 처리를 한번에
해결할 수 있는 기술을 보유한 기업입니다.

또한, 선진환경에서는 메탄과의 열반응을 통한 냉매 분해 기술과 액화점을 이용한 분별액화 기술, 기체 분리막을 통한 분리막 기술에 신기술 인증과 특허를 보유하고 있으며, 현재는 국내 대기업, 국가기관, 공기업 등을 대상으로 계약을 체결하고 냉매를 친환경적으로 처리하고 있습니다.

앞으로 대기환경보호에 대한 국제사회 인식과 제도강화에 따른 전 세계의 수요가 증가될 것으로 판단되며, 이에 따라 2020년에는 중국, 중동 등에 기술 수출을 진행할 계획이며, 앞으로도 국내 환경에 대한 문제해결과 국제 환경에 대한 문제해결에 대해서 앞장서는 기업이 될 수 있도록 발전해 나가겠습니다.

선진환경 임직원 일동

Thank you for visiting the Sunjin Environment Co., Ltd. website

Our company provides an One-Stop Solution that can solve recovery, reclamation and processing of used refrigerants all at once.

Our company is engaged in business that can contribute to the treatment of fluorine-based waste refrigerant, a greenhouse gas that seriously affects climate change, global warming, and ozone layer depletion. At the same time, we contribute to the implementation of the government’s Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gases. We are solidifying our position as a leading company in the industry with the completion of the first domestic that can solve the recovery, treatment, and regeneration of waste refrigerant generated during maintenance and disposal of various refrigeration and air conditioning facilities such as industrial/business chillers and waste home appliances in a single factory.

In addition, our company has independently developed refrigerant thermal decomposition technology through thermal reaction with methane, one of the waste refrigerant treatment technologies designated by the UN, fractional liquefaction technology using liquefaction point, and the nation’s best gas separation membrane technology and adsorption technology. And based on the process technology applied with the highest level of above technologies, demand from large domestic companies, national institutions, and public corporations is increasing every year through Eco-friendly and supply of regenerated refrigerant that boasts a regeneration rate and quality that is close to 100% compared to that of a new refrigerant after removing impurities contained in the waste refrigerant. Through continuous research and development with excellent researchers at the master’s and doctoral level in the organization, we obtained the first refrigerant-related New Excellent Technology(NET) in Korea from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. We are walking a unique and differentiated path as a recognized environmental research and development company by filing and registering more than 20 related patents.

It is expected that the global demand for air environment protection will increase in the future due to the international community’s awareness and strengthening of the system. Accordingly, in 2022, we plan to focus our company-wide capabilities on overseas exports, such as our differentiated waste refrigerant treatment business, direct export of waste refrigerant treatment plant equipment, and export of business models for overseas markets. In Korea, we plan to dramatically increase the amount of waste refrigerant recovery and processing by expanding our second business site in the metropolitan area.

Based on this differentiated business plan both at home and abroad, we are actively taking the lead in resolving domestic and international environmental problems and becoming a global green environmental company. We will do our best to become a company that plays an important role in the future growth engine of the country by continuing research and development to take a leap forward.

Gangwoo Lee, CEO of Sunjin Environment Co., Ltd.